Image by Jonathunder (License)
Welcome to Tresoroeffnung.de.
Welcome to tresoroeffnung.de. We are experts for opening safes and for answering all safe-related questions. We know that safes and vaults are matters of trust. There are a number of very good reasons why you can be sure you will be in good hands with us.
We are very experienced specialists for opening safes and vaults.
In our almost 15 years of working with safes we have opened well over 1,000 of them. Our first priority when opening safes is to do as little damage as possible.
We can likely open your safe without doing permanent damage.
Most of the safes we open can be repaired easily and continue to be used afterwards. Using our specialist tools we can often open the safes without doing any damage. If we do have to drill
holes in a safe to open it, we do so in just the right spot and always with the utmost caution. Drillholes can be repaired easily and after our repair, drill resistance is usually higher than before.
We know a lot about safes and how to open them.
With our large database and in-depth knowledge of locks we know most of the different locks and locking mechanisms. That gives us the ability to find the correct way to open almost any safe or vault. Any safe, from the cheap small cabinet safe, to the highest security bank vault can be opened. Likewise, antique safes and unusual locking mechanisms can be opened: we collect old and special safe locks to use them as a reference for our daily work.
There are lots of reasons why clients cannot open their safes - but no reason not to call us.
Even though there is a large variety of locks and safes we were able to help every customer so far. Requirements are always different - loss of a key, burglary attempt, technical defect, lost code, inheritance, key duplication, changing the lock etc. - we can help in all of those cases.
We open safes - nationwide.
With our nationwide technical support we can help you anywhere in Germany (and outside if need be). Please do not hesitate to contact us, we will always do our very best.